Tim Stafford Surfboards

Mostly bonzer inspired creations, made in Cornwall. Designed, shaped, glassed, sanded, finned and finished by Tim Stafford.

I make boards that are easy to ride, that feel natural under foot. Most aren't conventional but they will help you reach that point where you stop thinking about what's under your feet and start to focus on where you want to go and how you want to get there. Why bonzers?

Always happy to chat about your needs and what would work for you but please initiate contact by email or Facebook... details on www.timstaffordsurfboards.com | Ride and glide.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Freak Fish rides again…

Thanks to Daz the FreakFish finally got back in the water last night on the big swell that hit the North Coast. Re-christening was at South Fistral and later in the middle. Some sizable chunks of blue coming through and the board went beautifully… which for a 5’11 in well overhead was a pleasant surprise :P

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