Tim Stafford Surfboards

Mostly bonzer inspired creations, made in Cornwall. Designed, shaped, glassed, sanded, finned and finished by Tim Stafford.

I make boards that are easy to ride, that feel natural under foot. Most aren't conventional but they will help you reach that point where you stop thinking about what's under your feet and start to focus on where you want to go and how you want to get there. Why bonzers?

Always happy to chat about your needs and what would work for you but please initiate contact by email or Facebook... details on www.timstaffordsurfboards.com | Ride and glide.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Baja loves Freaky – 6’4” Freakfish EVO6

Well the proof is always in the eating… and the FreakFish EVO 6 tasted damn fine! It was probably the loosest yet most stable, drivey board i have ridden. Suffice to say my friend Steve, the recipient, was stoked and i have just started another one for myself,  as Dougal decided he wanted to try the EVO4 for his winter in Indo. Hope it meets expectations Doug.

Sadly the only shot of it being ridden is just me doing a bottom turn on a small day and P-Point. That afternoon the swell picked up, and a really enjoyable overhead swell started pushing in turning out to be the best testing ground of the trip.


Anyways  a lot of the Todos Santos crew down there loved the look of the board and are going to put it through it’s paces over the next 2 months so we hope to get some more feedback on the blog for you soon.

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