Tim Stafford Surfboards

Mostly bonzer inspired creations, made in Cornwall. Designed, shaped, glassed, sanded, finned and finished by Tim Stafford.

I make boards that are easy to ride, that feel natural under foot. Most aren't conventional but they will help you reach that point where you stop thinking about what's under your feet and start to focus on where you want to go and how you want to get there. Why bonzers?

Always happy to chat about your needs and what would work for you but please initiate contact by email or Facebook... details on www.timstaffordsurfboards.com | Ride and glide.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Buttercup - baby bonzer Porpoise

Resin tint by Jason Grey. Design, shaping and artwork by yours truly, Tim Stafford, for Lilia Grace, age 1yr.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Porpoise bonzer experifintation...

Porpoise has had some fin mods to allow it to be ridden as an EVO4 bonzer quad or an EVO3 bonzer... the terbucle fins are off so that i can make some direct corelations on performance and see just what influence that fin shape had... should be interesting, now we just need waves... and a bit of sanding action from Daz first :)

e-wing foam

Malcolm left a stack of e-wing eggs, octafish and other delights for the UK when he left. Here are  a few. More pics as they go through the factory...
Campbell Bros e-wings

Monday, 19 July 2010

MC/GP bonzer blur

Well Malcolm and Guy came and went in such a blurr that as usual there was never enough time… here’s a few tasters of his visit and I'll be posting pics of some of the boards as they go through the factory over the next weeks…

Guy Penwarden checking out the FreakFish bonzer EVO6… he takes his bonzers seriously…

Guy Penwarden with Tim Stafford bonzer EVO6 Freakfish

Malcolm Campbell Bonzer nerve centre… no comment on the use of the tipex thinners!

custom bonzers from Malcolm Campbell  

Impossible to get a picture of MC that wasn’t a blur… he sure moves quick for an old guy LOL

Malcolm Campbell

I’d like to say we were chatting design, but he was on such a slavishly concocted schedule that i actually had to sneak in and get someone to snap this off whilst he wasn’t looking :)

Malcolm Campbell and Tim Stafford - custom surfboards

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

The Big Green bonzer light vehicle machine ...

Fun to make one of these whilst Malcolm is in the factory - hope to get him to pass a critical eye over it before he heads home... 7'6 Blunt Diamond for Jake...

Monday, 12 July 2010

Wood bonzer EVO5 Cleanline gets rails...

Peter's board took a significant step closer to disappearing into some Caithness crystal today. Mark and I set to work on the rails - it's looking so epic we've decided we need one each (as a demo of course)...

Friday, 9 July 2010

EVO5 carve

Anthony putting his 6’4” Cleanline EVO5 through its paces the other day.

Tim Stafford custom bonzer surfboard


Photos by Adrian Steele.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

MC in the house

Malcolm is currently shaping up at the factory so if you want an original bonzer from The Master get in touch with Guy Penwarden on 0774 921 0094 or drop me an email and I’ll get the ball rolling. He has limited slots, so think quick. :) 50% deposits required.

Green light vehicle for Jake…

Tim Stafford custom  bonzer surfboard resin tint

Jason Grey on squeegee…

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Blunt Diamond version of the MC "bonzer light vehicle"...

I've shaped Jake's 7'6 x 22 13/16" x 3" Blunt Diamond as a take on Malcolm Campbell's Bonzer Light Vehicle... Hopefully this shouldf be finished around the time MC arrives for his shaping trip and he can let me know whether I captured the essence of his design. Some green tint to go on this one... coming soon.

Friday, 2 July 2010


Had a few waves at a nice little reef, “MRs”, this morning… nothing special but was going inside out on the inside… here’s a shot i took after i came in, tide getting a bit too full but you get the idea. Rode the EVO5 Cleanline just to get it wet… super responsive :)


Thursday, 1 July 2010

Custom blunt diamond for Jake

This was the 7'6" blunt diamond for Jake fresh off the machine ready for shaping... it's going to be a real Malcolm Campbell tribute with his bonzer 3 light vehicle bottom... hope to finish it tomorrow... love shaping in all those concaves :)