Custom Surfboards: bonzers, duos, single fins & twin fins. Made in Widemouth Bay, Cornwall by Tim Stafford Surfboards
Tim Stafford Surfboards
Friday, 28 August 2009
Holy bat-tail…
Thursday, 27 August 2009
“Partly craft, partly art…” Malcolm Campbell
Great article and video on Surf Surfy about Bonzers and how the bonzer came about.
Friday, 21 August 2009
Just a pic of a couple of the oil paintings in my house…
“Split infinity” on the left with the dolphins and “Forces of nature” on the right, the triptych. Both for sale and by yours truly.
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Friend of mine just came back from a small island in the Caribbean where he enjoyed this fun little left… 3 guys out… never more…
Monday, 17 August 2009
North Sumatra 2008
Caught inside… I was the only guy out just me and a tiger shark! Pics taken by Wayan who was in the rubber duck…
fast jacking shifty peak… had some fun ones though :)
Riding a 6’6” bonzer…
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Blunt one for Lucas
6’8 x 21 3/3 x 2 1/2 Blunt Diamond EVO3 for Lucas… made this one out of a superlight blank from South Africa… was harder to shape but came up sweet…
Deck channels are a new thing especially for Lucas which should also add strength, decrease weight, and anchor that front foot nicely…
Friday, 14 August 2009
Malcolm with Peace
Last autumn Malcolm shaped me a 6’8” Octafish Bonzer… after a run up the Freeway with Tim Elsner for Malcolm’s personal inspection, Peace flew to Baja with Steve Jacobi to await my arrival – only to be thwarted by Immigration who didn’t like the lack of chevrons on Vicky’s passport. The board is still in Mexico but we will finally be united this December for some winter waves at Cassa Jacobi.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
More freak…

Resin tint reverse lap with pen artwork on the nose…
Hand made fins from American ash for the EVO fronts and birch ply for the EVO4 rears
Malcolm Campbell shaping in the UK
Malcolm Campbell is coming to the UK to shape some boards for Europe this autumn. If you are interested in getting a Campbell Brothers B5 contact can be made through Nigel at the Ocean Magic factory or via Guy Penwarden.
This is a picture of my personal 6’0 Bumble Bee Bonzer 3 that Malcolm shaped on his last visit…
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
I feel a tri-hull coming on…
Inspired by this ad many years ago… it’s one on my shaping list that I plan to fulfil in the very near future!
Friday, 7 August 2009
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Classic planshapes from G&S 1978
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
“In the mist of summer”…
From Surfer Magazine March 1978 Vol 18 #6 and article about a surf film made by Russ Short. What got me most about this article was the cutback sequence… I remember seeing this as a 13 year old kid riding a 6’10” Bruce Palmer single fin pintail and being mind blown… how could he turn like that? Some years later I was to discover the answer… a bonzer . Now I would love to get a DVD copy of this movie!!! Any one have one please drop me a line…
Monday, 3 August 2009
Release date set for Blunt diamond…
Out on good behaviour next week…
6’8 x 2 5/8 Blunt Diamond FOR SALE – due for final artwork, gloss and polish this week.