Tim Stafford Surfboards

Mostly bonzer inspired creations, made in Cornwall. Designed, shaped, glassed, sanded, finned and finished by Tim Stafford.

I make boards that are easy to ride, that feel natural under foot. Most aren't conventional but they will help you reach that point where you stop thinking about what's under your feet and start to focus on where you want to go and how you want to get there. Why bonzers?

Always happy to chat about your needs and what would work for you but please initiate contact by email or Facebook... details on www.timstaffordsurfboards.com | Ride and glide.

Sunday 27 May 2012

1 in 10

Based on the SAS campaign artwork to highlight the troubles at Broadbench… (nuff respect to the original artist). Please sign up to this campaign if you believe that we should all have access to our ocean rather than being excluded so someone can use it as a firing range.

Right now this board is awaiting its bonzer LokBox set to allow it to show its full potential… more details about the board another time. T   P1150963 P1150984 P1150961 P1150957 P1150959 P1150979

Friday 25 May 2012

Give me Shelter

Shelter inspired bonzer EVO5 for Maurizio, Italy; 6’2” x 20” x 2 1/2” 2012-05-25_15-27-53_249 2012-05-25_15-28-00_353 2012-05-25_15-28-31_797 2012-05-25_15-27-23_843 2012-05-25_15-27-35_876 2012-05-25_15-27-44_561

Sunday 13 May 2012


Orca – the asymmetric bonzer - finally finished – not been a rush due to my knees, but now it is complete i am so excited to ride it and see how it performs… see if the theories are realised in its performance… probably the most excited I have been since the Joker.

Original link with all the concepts is here

P1150845 P1150829 P1150830 P1150831 P1150832P1150833 P1150828 P1150834 P1150837 P1150841 P1150843  P1150849 P1150850 P1150851 P1150826

Enough pics?

Monday 7 May 2012

Like watching ink dry…

P1150809 P1150810

Waiting for ink to dry…  more on this artwork and board later

Thursday 3 May 2012

Ant’s non-bonzer…

P1150779 P1150784 P1150773 P1150770

5’10 x 19 3/4” x 2 3/8” single concave throughout… Ant, long-time bonzer rider for me was looking for a change, and persuaded me to do a non-bonzer with the statement that “if i didn't make him something like this, someone else would have to”… so I succumbed and he has named this “Zendog” and wants a commission on all future orders LOL. They certainly are a lot easier to make!