Custom Surfboards: bonzers, duos, single fins & twin fins. Made in Widemouth Bay, Cornwall by Tim Stafford Surfboards
Still the best barrel riders in my opinion – here’s me tucking under a curtain at Lighthouse, somewhere in the Caribbean. I love their neutrality and ability to hold an unbelievably high and tight line… not a bonzer but what led me to them… definitely going to drag this one out of the bag next time we get a hollow high tide session at Connies… perhaps even at “Scalps”…
Test pilot “Ant” putting his 6’4” EVO3 bonzer through its paces the other day, somewhere nearby… photograph by Adrian Steele.
Another picture of this board can be seen here …
Got an email from Alex Williams the other day showing just how good a winter the South Coast has been having… El Nino or just lucky?