I recently completed 2 fresh bonzers for a great guy called John... John was no stranger to bonzers, already having 2 and wanted to take his surfing up a level and have something for local waves and surf trips.
We worked out the best options were a 6'2 ORCA asymmetrical bonzer and a 6'8 Cleanline travel bonzer 5.

Really pleased with how both boards came out and he was stoked. Looking forward to hearing how he gets on in the near future.
Like most of my builds, the process tends to be pretty involved (and at times challenging when talking about ability, waves he wants to ride) and by the end of it it always seems that we've made a new friend. I think that's one of the most rewarding things about custom board building, the relationship that develops between the rider, shaper and the end product.
I hope you enjoy some of the pics.
Ride and glide. Tim