Tim Stafford Surfboards

Mostly bonzer inspired creations, made in Cornwall. Designed, shaped, glassed, sanded, finned and finished by Tim Stafford.

I make boards that are easy to ride, that feel natural under foot. Most aren't conventional but they will help you reach that point where you stop thinking about what's under your feet and start to focus on where you want to go and how you want to get there. Why bonzers?

Always happy to chat about your needs and what would work for you but please initiate contact by email or Facebook... details on www.timstaffordsurfboards.com | Ride and glide.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Demos at the ready…

A little sanding, a little artwork, speed coats, some microgrooves and these three demos will be ready for some aquatics… 

6’0 Porpoise EVO4 in clear and trans blue resin tint, Cleanline 6’4” EVO5 in clear (this one is for Anthony but he says he’ll let people borrow it), Cleanline 6’10” EVO5 in amber tint…


a lovely McCoy

I came across this pic of Cheyne Horan with an absolutely epic early 80s single fin double wing swallow and just had to post it… something about the clean lines and simplicity in surfing that it represented…

01 3.tif

meanwhile I’m busy getting 3 boards ready for this Saturday’s Surf Jumble at St Merryn… if you are in the area stop by for a cuppa and check out the Porpoise which should be finished and ready for some test rides.

Monday, 26 April 2010


Those great people at Drift have just kindly featured a little pic link for me on their website… so I thought I’d reciprocate… I think its the best online surf magazine out there, beautifully artistic in its execution, one that is really true to the roots and essence of surfing and surfers… I hope you’ll have a look if you haven’t already… thanks to Howard and Angela for their support.


Whilst we are on the subject they have an interesting article on “localism” that I read today and an incident close to home helped me understand one reason why it exists (though I am not condoning the incident they described).

Picture this – a well known competitive surfer goes to reputedly heavily localised wave… takes along a hot mate or two, some cameras, and shoots both film and video. The photographer submits an article to a well known magazine who then prints several pages of the spot (without mentioning any names of course but it is obvious to many) of the rippers laying down some gouges in some pretty significant waves and implying in the copy how unlocalised the spot was. Sounds like a great way to restimulate localism to me…

Friday, 23 April 2010

busy week…

3 boards going through at the moment… Demo 6’0” Porpoise EVO4 , Anthony’s 6’4” Cleanline EVO5 (in clear!), and a Demo 6’10” Cleanline EVO5… all due for completion next Friday… pray for surf.

Tim Stafford bonzers


Friday, 16 April 2010

Tubercle porpoise fins - bonzer EVO4

Today I finally finished foiling my new tubercle fins for the 6'0" demo porpoise bonzer EVO4. The panel was a lay-up of 4 x 6oz translucent blue + 6mm aircraft grade birch 12 ply + 4 x 6oz in translucent blue. Really stoked with how they have come out and it will be interesting to see if the fins have the same hydrodynamic energy conversion characteristics that have been found on wind-turbine blades. The design is of course based on nature, coming strait from scientific research into the hump back whale after scientists struggled to understand how the whales could manouvre so tightly at low speeds as they blew their bubble curtains to contain the plankton.

Clear Cleanline high performance bonzer EVO5

Ok I know this is a first – a clear board from me! This is test-pilot Anthony's new board. He wanted a shorter high performance version of his 5 fin 6’10 Cleanline… here it is... 6’4” x 19 1/4” x 2 3/8”. Clear glass on fins on this one too…

DSC02352  DSC02354

Monday, 12 April 2010


Was surfing at Dunes this morning – some fun little rights in the corner for an hour or so. On the long walk back along the beach and the treadmill dunes my mind flipped back 30 years to a summer spent surfing Dunes with the Upper Deck crew, Steve, Nigel, Simon, French Richie, Victor, Phil et al… It was the second summer on twin fins, thrusters were just about to break, everyone was riding Ocean Magic swallowtail twinnies from Nigel. I typically was going in the opposite direction (trying to find my body-English) with a 6’6” Martin Geary Outer Limits spiral-V round pintail with a chequered deck and blue faded rails. It was a summer of long clean swells with crystal lips and azure water… and snogging in the dunes with Helena Kowalski… I wonder what happened to her?


Friday, 9 April 2010

Just bonzers… and a couple of single fins

My current mobile quiver… on the left 8’2” Supaglide trihull single fin (for sale), on the top the new 6’4” FreakFish, underneath an MC 6’0” Bumble bee Bonzer 3 but with an 8” Soulflex (which I find works much better backhand on the 3 fin set up), and on the bottom a 6’4” McCoy Nugget with a Starfin which gets wet whenever the waves get really hollow and the only order of the day is barrel riding…


Friday, 2 April 2010

1st Board, 1st Wave, 1st Birthday

Seren enjoying her very first board; 5'4" Porpoise EVO3 baby bonzer... more pics of the board and artwork when it stops raining for long enough to shoot some decent pics!