Tim Stafford Surfboards

Mostly bonzer inspired creations, made in Cornwall. Designed, shaped, glassed, sanded, finned and finished by Tim Stafford.

I make boards that are easy to ride, that feel natural under foot. Most aren't conventional but they will help you reach that point where you stop thinking about what's under your feet and start to focus on where you want to go and how you want to get there. Why bonzers?

Always happy to chat about your needs and what would work for you but please initiate contact by email or Facebook... details on www.timstaffordsurfboards.com | Ride and glide.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Green Giant bonzer light vehicle

Finally finished this bonzer light vehicle… no pics of the light vehicle channels as you all know what they look like right! 7’6 x 23” x 3”…

Instead the focus is on the “impossible spray” admirably handled by Chris “Harry” Harris with direction from yours truly and Jake. The difficulty was masking the circle on a surface curving in all directions, and taping a colour-band and pinline on a curve and around a rail (instead of coming to an apex…) sounds simple? It wasn’t and sent one sprayer off to London questioning their chosen profession. We like to challenge, and Harry was up for it after a little encouragement. The results were great, and a happy customer.

Design, shaping & colour mixing by yours truly, artwork design by Jake, resin tint by Jason, sanding by Daz, spray by “Harry”, polish by Stevie “two-fins”.

P1040575 P1040578 P1040580 P1040583

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